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Winter Hours: M-S 10am-6pm Closed Sunday. Call/text 323-653-6531
Winter Hours: M-S 10am-6pm Closed Sunday. Call/text 323-653-6531
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Resolve to Make Connections

I always work Christmas Day in hope of being in service to others. This year I helped fourteen people with their gift emergencies. When I got home, I cried. I didn’t feel like I had done enough to make a difference. 
I woke up on Boxing Day depressed and exhausted. It was my first day off since Thanksgiving and I planned to spend it in pj’s on the couch. 
But then I received a text asking if I was open. A customer needed a gift for his mom. I replied that I could meet at the Beverly Hills shop. The customer told me that he didn’t want to inconvenience me. 
“What?! You’re giving me purpose today! I’m needed! I’ll see you in fifteen minutes.”
While we were shopping for the perfect present, I noticed that my customer seemed a bit sad. I pushed the conversation and discovered he was having a silly fight with his best friend. 
So I quoted from a favorite holiday movie Love Actually, “if you can’t say it at Christmas, when can you, eh?”
I shared that my dad had one of those silly fights and that his friend died without them clearing the air. 
Life is unexpected. We aren’t promised tomorrow. I begged him not to let it go and to reach out to his friend. 
That evening I received a series of text messages. “Tara for two saves.” 
“Mom said it was her favorite gift that I’ve ever given her.” 
“I reached out to him. Told him I’m unhappy without my best friend. He replied he feels the same way. We’re meeting tomorrow to talk.”
My small heart grew three sizes. 
The holiday isn’t about gifts. It’s about connection. It’s about letting people know that they matter to you and your life would be dim without them. 
So, reach out, by text, call, letter, post, or eblast, and let the people who support and care for you know that you appreciate and value them. 
If you’re reading this now, thank you for all the support you’ve given me!
As you celebrate the transition into 2023, know this: You’re always at no if you don’t ask. Don’t be scared to try. When you ask for help, it doesn’t mean you’re weak. It gives the person helping you the gift of doing something good. 
After all, what can be a better gift than making someone’s heart grow?
May 2023 bless you with courage, a bigger heart, fantastic health, patience, and the perspective to see the good in every day.
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